General Strike In England (1926)

General Strike in England 1926. Series of scenes representing work at standstill: a few shots of mine with no workers; still train tracks; nearly empty railroad platform. Street scene: many automobiles; people car-pooling; some riding in back of trucks; also many pedestrians. Trade unions march in May 1 parade. Sign in front rows Workers of the World Unite. Wide shot panning on huge crowd at rally in park w/ placards and trade union banners sticking up from crowd. Man making speech at the demonstration; w/ several others sitting behind him on small platform in mid crowd. Labour unions; protest; strikes; industry; coal mining; economy. The coal miners’ strike had begun on 26-4-26; the Trade Union Congress joined on 3-26. Obviously at least a portion of this film is from the 1st of May; 2 days before the General Strike began; when the Government and the General Council of the TUC were still negotiating to prevent it. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ T
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