Wetlands & People: A Vital Connection

“Wetlands & People: A Vital Connection” is a short animated video, which captures the deep rootedness of wetlands in our lives, our souls and our history – and the way in which we humans increasingly pause a threat to them. By first capturing the diverse pleasures they offer to us in boating, agriculture and fishing, we are then rudely exposed to the ways we have devalued and abused them. Cleverly rewinding from this terrible fate, the video is taking us back through history to see just how Mediterranean coastal wetlands, this precious resource, enrich our environment and our lives. As we say: Life begins in Wetlands. From Mesopotamia through the ages of Mediterranean history, Wetlands & People captures the cultural heritage wetlands preserve. With the climate and biodiversity emergencies upon us, preserving and restoring wetlands offers us a critical element to begin to respond. Don’t let wetlands be wiped Off your Map! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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