Sprawling Abandoned Mine & Mormon Cricket Superfund Site

Part of successful mine exploring – and, really, life in general – is knowing when to cut your losses… That first site we visited looked great from a distance and, undoubtedly, at one time it was an amazing abandoned mine. However, time, water and apparent reclamation efforts made that one a zero. The nauseating stench of the fermenting Mormon crickets is something that you really should have experienced, dear viewers. Oh, and the fun fact of the day is that Mormon crickets are not actually crickets. Fortunately, striking out at the first site led to success at the next site… That was an int...eresting mining camp that had obviously been in existence for more than one generation of miners. We were initially discouraged because it seemed that the portals of the adits at this abandoned mine were caved as well. However, that proved not to be the case. The larger adit that we made our way into certainly made us wish that all of the others had been accessible as well because those workings were significant. T
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