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🐦 SEASON 2024 🐦
Jan 24 01:41 First appearance:
Feb 20 08:54 First egg was laid
Feb 22 23:34 Second egg was laid
Feb 25 15:14 Third egg was laid
Summary of 2022 breeding:
This nest is located in the mountain of Börzsöny on the outskirts of the village of Szokolya, Hungary.
Tawny owl breeding may start in February 2024.
Webcam highlights:
This live broadcast would not have been possible without Attila Farkas’s hard work maintaining this nesting box.
Purchasing, installing and maintaining equipments like cameras, solar panels, batteries for live streams consumes a lot of money and working hours. Our revenue source is from ads and viewers’ donations only. If you want to support our channel, you can do so with donating here: Thank you!
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You are free to share the recordings of our live streams as long as you acknowledge the source with direct links in a prominent place ( e.g. at the top of the description) as follows:
Copyright @ Madarles - Live Bird Cams
Previously in last seasons:
🐦 SEASON 2023 🐦
02/02 07:00 First egg was laid
05/03 01:30 Second egg was laid
07/03 19:00 Third egg was laid
04/04 18:29 First chick hatched
05/04 06:55 Second chick hatched
06/04 08:00 Sometime during the night third chick hatched
08/05 20:30 A chick branched
13/05 04:45 A chick branche
🐦 SEASON 2022 🐦
3 eggs were laid on 01/03, 04/03 and 06/03.
First hatched on 03/04, the other 2 on 04/04.
All 3 fledged on 05/05, 06/05 and 07/05
🐦 SEASON 2021 🐦
5 eggs were laid on 22/02, 24/02, 26/02, 01/03 and 04/03.
Only 3 chicks hatched. 2 of them on 27/03 and the last one on 28/03.
In this season all 3 chicks fledged successfully on 28/04, 29/04 and 03/05
🐦 SEASON 2020 🐦
It was certain that the female bird has died, she was seen hitted by a car. New female appeared, but breeding started relatively late.
2 eggs were laid on 24/03 and 27/03.
On 13/04 the female was away all night and never came back to her eggs. We think she was too young and inexperienced.
The abandoned eggs were robbed by jays.
🐦 SEASON 2019 🐦
4 eggs were laid on 23/02, 25/02, 28/02 and 02/03.
All chicks were hatched. First 2 on 28/03 and the last 2 on 30/03 and 31/03.
On 01/04 a chick has died. The female removed it from the nesting box on 04/04.
3 chicks fledged successfully on 01/05, 02/05 and 03/05.
#livestream #birdnest #tawnyowl
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