Uncovering the Mysteries of Neolithic Britain’s Megalithic Structures

Uncovering the Mysteries of Neolithic Britain’s Megalithic Structures Join us on a journey to explore the awe-inspiring and enigmatic Neolithic monuments of Britain. From barrows, mounds, and earthworks to the massive megalithic structures, we uncover the secrets of our distant ancestors’ incredible skills and precision in construction. In this video, we delve into the four most significant Neolithic structures in England, the Kennet Long Barrows, with a peculiar quality that defies our age’s ability to fathom them. Discover how the ancients’ geospatial awareness and astronomical precision in lunar orbit alignments leave us with questions about their advanced knowledge and technology that may have been lost over time. #NeolithicBritain #MegalithicStructures #AncientKnowledge #LunarOrbitAlignments #KennetLongBarrows
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