Russia’s Proposal for a Caspian-Black Sea Canal

Russia has proposed building a 700 kilometer long canal along the Kuma-Manych Depression, connecting the Caspian and Black Seas. If built, the canal would be eight times longer than the Panama canal, helping connect central Asian countries to the open seas, while providing a shorter route for shipping than the existing Volga-Don Canal system. With increased cargo traffic between the Caspian Sea and the rest of the world, the project may finally come to fruition in the future. #Russia #Canal #Proposal #MegaProject #Construction #Maps #Engineering #CentralAsia #Kazakhstan #Turkmenistan #Europe #Caspian #Black #Sea #Future #Vox #Unite #Global #Development #Cargo #Boats #Ships #Panama #PanamaCanal #EurasiaCanal #Money #Innovation #Explore #Nations #Connection
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