The Congress of Berlin: Britain, Russia, and the Fate of the Ottoman Empire

The Great Eastern Crisis (1875-1878) was one of the last major actions of the Concert of Europe. Revolts in the Balkans threatened to destroy the Ottoman Empire; an opportunity for Russia, a terrifying prospect for Britain and Austria-Hungary. Over 3 years these empires maneuvered diplomatically to ensure an outcome to their liking. This culminated in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878), which saw the Russians defeat the Ottoman Empire, and threaten the establishment of their hegemony over the Balkans. The result was the Congress of Berlin, where the European powers met to decide the fate of the Ottoman Empire, and prevent a European conflict. This video aims to be a short documentary on the Congress of Berlin (though it also serves as one for the Great Easter Crisis to an extent). Sources: The Struggle For Mastery in Europe, AJP Taylor (Still my favourite history of the Eastern Crisis, and has been heavily relied upon for the script in this video). Modern British Forei
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