Ultimate year 2000 gaming build! 3DFX Voodoo5 Asus CUSL2 P3-1ghz CM ATC201

I build the Ultimate year 2000 gaming rig! The build is a tribute to the 3DFX Voodoo5 5500 and the Coolermaster ATC201!! Most parts of the build where free and donated to me and awesomeretro. This is 1 of the machines for retro gaming with awesomeretro on events! The first public appearance will be @ OHM2013 a dutch hackers event this summer. 00:11 Intro 00:38 Parts overview 02:11 The build 09:39 Gameplay Unreal Tournament Kingpin Quake3 10:45 Finished Build! Specs: Motherboard: Asus CUSL2 CPU: Intel P
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