Himno al FMLN - Hymn to the FMLN (1981-2005 Anthem of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front)

The anthem of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) from 1981 to 2005, being changed after it demobilised from guerrilla activities and was reorganised into a political party. The anthem was replaced on the 25th anniversary of the FMLN with the modern “Anthem of the FMLN“ (Himno del FMLN), much like the FSLN in Nicaragua also changed their anthem at one point. This recording was performed by a Cuban choir and released on vinyl record for the sake of international distribution. Translation note: “’32“ refers to the 1932 uprising in El Salvador, led by the Communist Party of El Salvador headed by Farabundo Martí himself. The uprising was defeated and the government, headed by a military dictator, pursued a genocide of indigenous Salvadorans, an event now known as “La Matanza“ (“The Massacre“). Martí was then summarily executed. Performer: Orchestra from the Cuban Television & Radio Institute (Orquesta del Instituto Cuban
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