The’J - interview & making

SpecialThanks : Translator @thezetsu0(Korean → English)   @sweetsophia007 (English → Japanese) 2:28 The J - If I knew there were going to be visitors, I would’ve cleaned the room... Why didn’t you tell me beforehand? 2:55 interviewer - If your MD is a female, you get to spend quite a long time with her, right?  The J - yeah interviewer - then.. it seems like “something“ could happen... hehe.. The J - we’re going out haha (joking) interviewer - oh really, you guys going out? (joking) The J - honestly, she sees me change clothes there’s really no.... distance between us. 3:40 The J - Hello, this is Won Jong Jin who’s currently a model of Hotboom. Nice to meet you guys. Interviewer - as you know, there are a lot of other models here... I would like to know how you got into modeling. The J - How I sta
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