Simple and Quick Crispy French Fries Recipes ! Will delight the whole family 😍👍 ! Potato Recipe

Simple and Quick Crispy French Fries Recipes ! Will delight the whole family 😍👍 ! Potato Recipe 감자튀김 만들기 ! 간단하고 빠른 바삭한 감자 튀김 요리법 !감자요리 ! 간식만들기 Potato Recipe : (감자 조리법:) - Potatoes 300g (감자 300g) - Cheese pellets 40g (치즈펠렛 40g) - Rice flour 50g (쌀가루 50g) - Corn flour 30g (옥수수가루 30g) - Chili powder 1/3 teaspoon (고추가루 1/3작은술) - Pepper 1/3 teaspoon (후추 1/3작은술) - Milk 50ml (우유 50ml) #asmr #cookingkun #koreanfood #FrenchFries #CrispyFrenchFries #PotatoRings #요리 /
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