Łukaszenka: w Polsce przygotowuje się prowokację przeciwko obywatelom, by oskarżyć Rosję i Białoruś

Polish and American intelligence are preparing a provocation in Poland, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a large meeting with the senior staff of the national security agencies in Minsk on 20 February. “We publicize, as best as we can, all the information obtained by our intelligence about various kinds of provocations, extremist actions with the involvement of militants from Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania. Now we will continue this tradition. Here’s one more piece of operational information. I quote verbatim (this is important for the Poles): “Polish and U.S. intelligence are preparing a large-scale provocation against the Polish civilian population, which they will blame on Russia and Belarus,“ Aleksandr Lukashenko said. Dołącz do nas w mediach społecznościowych: YouTube POL: TikTok POL: @radiobelarus?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Facebook POL: ht
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