Chi Tong Bei style. 4 Road Separate Fists

A Four Road (Sz-Lu Chai-Chuan) hand form representing Tong Bei energy. Much emphasis on Push Pull this form showing motions on the horizontal such as rapid series of Chain strikes and also Pi Gua and other common angles but all performed with TongBei’s particular delivery. Footwork is very fluid with quasi-running steps at times. Breakdown by the teacher with fine demonstration by one of his top students. Demonstrator/Teacher: Shan Chang Wen. Chi Family Tongbei is one of the oldest forms of TongBei we know. In mid-Ching times it was taught by Lu Yun Ching to Chi Hsin. From this we have the Chi family branch which is taught in Hebei Province. Lu’s other disciple was named Shi and these were for a long time the dominant branches. Chi Tai Chang’s son, Chi Hsin taught in Hebei during the late Ching. Though called Chi style it was later renamed Tong Bei. Chi’s son, Chi Tai Chang, developed the techniques so much further that there are still two styles of this lineage, one from the father
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