Everything’s A Puzzle: A Professor Layton Song

Layton and Luke solve everyday puzzles in this puzzling musical. About puzzles. iTunes ► Bloopers ► Behind the Scenes ► Layton Vocals Performed by ► Ben Paddon () Lyrics: PROF: Everything’s a puzzle, a myst’ry to me! The shape of this toast, or the taste of my tea! Everything’s a riddle; a quand’ry to solve! I’ll best every test, No matter what they involve! We’ve got to use every clue; till we deduce the final key! We’ve got to plan every move three steps ahead! LUKE: I don’t think you can even do that… PROF: We’ve got to search every inch, and do it mathematically! Till we solve every riddle, colossal or little, by fiddling w
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