Wonderful World of Particles – Houdini and Unreal (4/4)

Demystifying Post Production Wonderful World of Particles, 4 of 4 Join the Maxon Training Team every Monday in July as we explore a wide variety of tools for creating particles in post-production, featuring Cinema 4D, Redshift, X-Particles, After Effects, Particular, Houdini, and Unreal Engine. We’ll cover a brief history of particles, explore workflows for different situations, show unconventional creative treatments, and help you transfer your particle knowledge across multiple tools. Week Four In the final week, Chad will introduce us to the world of Houdini, as well as how to create basic particle simulations there. We will learn about shelf tools (which are similar to presets) and how to modify them, as well as infusing points with velocity and other particle attributes. We will then take a very brief look at lighting and rendering using Redshift in Houdini. And we’ll wrap up by hopping over into Unreal and taking a quick look at creating particles nat
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