Operalia Semifinal opera singing competition Latvian National Opera

Operalia opera competition - Final - Latvia Operalia 2022 Final Round Welcome to the Operalia 2022 Final Roun Welcome to the Operalia 2022 Final Gala Concert and Award Ceremony! 1:03 The next singer is 24 year old soprano from South Korea : Yewon Han who will be singing « Il dolce suono » from Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti. 5:14 Sorry for the technical problem ... Emily Sierra was singing « Party parto » from La clemenza di Tito by Mozart. Operalia · 11:45 The next singer is 31 year old bass from South Korea : Inho Jeong who will be singing « Come dal ciel precipita » from Macbeth by Verdi. 17:29 The next singer is 30 year old mezzo-soprano from Georgia: Natalia Kutateladze who will be singing « O mio Fernando » from La Favorita by Donizetti. 24:39 The next singer is 24 year old soprano from Armenia : Juliana Grigoryan who will be singing « Puskai pogibnu ya » from Evgeny Onegin by Tchaikovsky. 37:54 She will
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