In this video i am going to share with you 10 most suitable tank mates for geophagas fish
Geophagus is a genus of cichlids that mainly live in South America as far south as Argentina and Uruguay, but a single species, G. crassilabris is from Panama. They are found in a wide range of freshwater are part of a group popularly known as eartheaters and mostly feed by picking up mouthfuls of sediment to sift out food items such as invertebrates, plant material and detritus.
These are 10 aquarium fish i included in this video as a geophagas tank mates :-
Dennison barb
Rainbow fish
Discus fish
Congo tetra
Clown loach
American flagtail fish
Red tai shark
Clown pleco
Bichir fish
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Geophagas photo used from pinterest
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