The Rhythm of the Japanese Language - Japanese Pronunciation
In this Japanese pronunciation video, you will learn about the rhythm of the Japanese language, one of the most important keys to speaking like a native Japanese speaker, along with the pronunciation of Japanese vowels and consonants and the Japanese pitch-accent.
In the Japanese language, each Kana (Hiragana and Katakana) takes the same amount of time to pronounce. For example, the word “にほんご” takes 4 beats to pronounce: |に|ほ|ん|ご|. This unit, with the equal duration of a sound (a Kana), is called a “mora.” The Japanese language is known as a mora-timed language, with a mora being at the core of its sound system. So, understanding a mora is an important step to sounding like a native Japanese speaker.
ん, a small Tsu, and long vowels are called “special morae” because these special moras never come at the beginning of a word, and these are pronounced in different ways depending on a sound preceding or succeeding them. Also, a mora and