Fursan al-Aqsa won the Best Hardcore Game Award!!!

I can’t believe! My #indiegame Fursan al-Aqsa, proudly powered by #unrealengine, received the Award of Best #Hardcore #Game on the Game Connection America Awards! This is a realization of a long life dream of mine, and today I feel like “Mission Accomplished“! It is an amazing feeling to have this recognition for a game, a dream of a whole life for me, a work which I spent sleepless nights working on it, a game which I have been working since 2009. Despite all the political “controversy“ around my game, but, on it’s core, Fursan al-Aqsa stands on its own as a #game that brings a brand new perspective in #videogames, a perspective never portrayed before in #shooter games. And this new and fresh perspective pleased too many gamers on #Steam, who were bored with the traditional #USA Super Hero killing Arabistan #Terrorists. My closing words are that video games are indeed a form of #art which can be used to tell histories, and as so, art
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