Dekker - Back And Forth (Official Video)

Back And Forth I often struggle when it comes to posting on socials. I live a pretty pedestrian life and don’t feel like I have much to say or show of the hatless part of me. The important-&-sharable stuff makes it’s way into my songs usually anyway. Saying that, it’s something I’d like to get better at - consistently, anyway. I feel like I get it right occasionally or seasonally. I’m a very seasonal person. Moodwise, I’m either on the way up or on the way down, not very stable and difficult to predict. My patterns of creativity follow in the tread. My new song Back And Forth is a small insight into this. Enough to be honest but not so much as to render me publicly fragile. I love this song. I love that I was able to capture a mood and a snippet of my reality both in lyric and melody. This video was shot on a beautiful day in November in Middle Georgia, USA. My stepdad filmed me with his drone as I paced rhythmically through a friend’s pecan orchard. Stream Back And
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