Why Not Paying Attention to Nature’s Laws Is Destructive

It may seem childish to imagine nature as a judge with a notebook recording every single move, such as: “People are making a mess, give them a little slap.” The entire universe, on all scales, in all places, and at all times, obeys the same fundamental laws of nature. After all, we are parts of nature and we do not even know where we exist or what we exist for. Just like our computer programs rely on defined algorithms to perform sophisticated tasks, billions of years of evolution brought us here, according to defined laws. Science now understands that the laws of nature are constant, that they can be observed, and they let us identify patterns in all realms of existence. We live in times of massive change, a necessary element for our inevitable yet, at times, hazardous motion forward. Like a little baby in a crib, we just discover a little bit of what is around us. What is really outside of the crib, in the room, at home, in the world? We do not know anything. At least, do not make decisions
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