Unveiling the Secrets to TRUE HEALTH & VITALITY - Truth shall prevail

In Today’s Episode, We’re Taking You On A Ride Through the Mysterious and Often CENSORED World of Health Sovereignty & Freedom. Our Guest Today Has Had His Social Media Accounts Deleted on Multiple Occasions for Sharing the Very Knowledge We Explore in this Episode- so Buckle Up! We’ll Be Diving Into: 📌 What Secretly Destroys Your Health & Vitality Over Time… 📌 The Maui Fires: What Really Happened Behind the Scenes? 📌 Chemtrails and Weather Modification 📌 Electricity and Charge: Is Everything in Life Connected By an Electric Source? 📌 Modern vs. Ancient Architecture 📌 EMFs- The Silent Creator of Dis-Ease: How to Protect Ourselves in the Modern World 📌 Agenda 2030: Who’s Truly Controlling The World? Timestamps: 2:00 Censorship of information 4:44 How did you get into this journey? 10:04 Top 5 things people can do to be healthy? 13:55 How does health and conductivity connect? 20:00 Electric
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