~【2周年】私、アイドル宣言【2度目の踊ってみた*りったん】 - Niconico Video sm38457332
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3/23 It’s the 2nd anniversary of joining Twinkle ☆ Stars ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎
There was a time when I couldn’t live in the second year
It was fun to have a birthday festival and to have more friends!
I will do my best for the third year ♡ Thank you for your support!
I tried to dance the same song as when I joined the 1st anniversary ☆
1 year ago → sm36536789
楽曲様 * sm32825363
使用音源様 * sm32847350
振付参考様 * sm33588408
撮影編集踊り * 佐々木 莉奈 mylist/67845088
【Twinkle☆Stars 正規生】
佐々木 莉奈 (りったん) 水色担当
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03/23/2021 14:00