Kabuki Spotting Guide

As coaches, we cringe when we see unsafe spotting techniques because of the potential risk on the athlete. It is a very unnecessary and unavoidable thing to get injured in the gym because of bad spotting. - Let’s look at a few of the major faults in the big 3! - Side spotters have to be close and attentive but more importantly, they need to look and move very similar on both sides of the bar. - Communication is key, ideally we want good training partners but it’s on you to stay safe in the gym. So whether you’re with someone you’ve never lifted with before or a training partner you been with for years tell them exactly what you want and need. - You should always be close and ready for a worst-case scenario. You don’t have to touch the bar, or the athlete early but make sure you’re ready to take and secure the weight if need be. - Let our coaches help you for FREE via the link in bio
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