Meet Petra & Erinys | Magic Horses ✨

There’s magic in the air… can you feel it? Magic Horses Petra & Erinys will make their way to Jorvik in all their Runestone glory… very very soon! These mythical horses seem to be drawn to Wildwoods, where Jorvik’s primal magical energies are the strongest! Are you ready to explore Wildwoods with these magical friends?  Available: March 3rd - March 24th, in Moorland Cost: 750 SC MORE DETAILS ABOUT PETRA: Across Jorvik stand ancient runestones, the legacy of Druid stonecutters working in Aideen’s name to protect the island. According to legend, a master stonecutter, through the power of the Star Circle, could imbue a runestone with life itself! From such miraculous craftsmanship did Petra gallop forth from the earth. Petra’s hoofsteps can make the ground tremble. But as Petra is a gentle soul, they don’t want to see the world destroyed by their thundering hooves. That’s why you can often find Petra standing still as a statue among nature, allowing vines and flowers to grow on their back. This relaxed attit
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