Refactoring to Functional Programming in Java - Live-Coding Kata - “Yatzi“, part 2

During this live-coding session, I will continue the “Yatzi“ Coding Kata (in Java) from where we left it last time: Among the topics we’ll discuss: - Functional Programming Techniques in Java : Stream API - Lambdas, Method references, compact code - Pragmatic coding in Java - Identifying and designing by the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) - Safe Refactoring techniques - Effective usage of IntelliJ editor, with lots of tips and tricks - Mutable vs Immutable data structures - and lots of fun. This is the code we will refactor: I strongly advise you to clone and try to clean the code BEFORE you attend the session, to have a better idea of the challenges of this exercise. This commit: If you like it and you want to get full-
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