The evolution of the prototypes of Duke nukem Forever. All early versions/alpha/beta trailers and gameplay with cut content.
0:00 1998 trailer
03:31 1997/1998/1999 screenshots
03:45 2001 trailer
06:06 2001 screenhsots
06:41 2003 gameplay
07:56 2003 screenshots
08:09 2006 gameplay
09:21 2006 screenshots
09:51 2007 Trailer
10:46 2008 gameplay (Source: Jace Hall Show)
11:13 2009 gameplay
13:56 concept arts
15:22 2010 unreleased trailer
3D Realms announced Duke Nukem Forever on April 28, 1997, with the intention of releasing it no later than mid-1998. Barely a year after the release of
... Duke Nukem 3D, the game’s graphics and its game engine, the Build engine, were antiquated. Broussard licensed Id Software’s far superior Quake II engine. Because the Quake II engine was not yet finished, development started with the Quake engine, the team planning to incorporate the new Quake II features as they were completed. Broussard and Miller decided to fundShow more