BAKING THE 8-FOOT MERMAID BREAD | YBCA | Rirkrit Tiravanija: The Way Things Go…
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YBCA commissioned Japanese artist Shimabuku to create an 8-foot-long bread mermaid for the exhibition, “A Special Curatorial Project with Rirkrit Tiravanija: The Way Things Go.“ Shimabuku’s continuous project, “Traveling with a 165-meter Mermaid,“ was inspired by the artist’s encounter with a 13th-century mermaid story at the Ryugu-ji Temple in Fukuoka, Japan. The work changes according to its sites, integrating new aspects with each location.
A Special Curatorial Project with Rirkrit Tiravanija: The Way Things Go uncovers narratives, reveals personal stories, and shares vignettes that lead to a larger understanding of migration in the production of material culture. For this exhibition, contemporary artist Rirkrit Tiravanija invited artists from Asia and Europe, as well as from the San Francisco Bay Area, to contribute works related to the circulation and anthropology of seeds, plants, food, recipes, and related materials of kitchen culture that have migrated across regions and time.