The Splendor of Color Kaleidoscope Video v1.1 Colorful Psychedelic Fractal Flame Visuals to Trip On

I stopped selling the DVDs and Blu-rays recently when it became clear that I would need to be taking care of my mother full time. She’s 78-years-old and it’s just part of life as her physical and mental health fade. I was manually burning these one-at-a-time for DVD and Blu-ray orders. I had to drive to the post office. It was a very labor and carbon intensive small business. Very time-consuming to manufacture and sell physical media. I offer direct digital download access to my video collection in progressive Blu-ray Master quality (with some newer 4K extras) for $10. Just click on the giant “Buy Now!“ PayPal button below and you’ll get links to the Splendor of Color Kaleidoscope Video MP4 collection. I encourage file sharing with credits. You can also use this button to make a donation to me in $10 increments. I will show you how I am using the public’s money and my YouTube profits. I am raising money to do this from my home without losing my home. I need to supplement my Soci
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