Franz Liszt, Transcendental Etude №10, f minor

Franz Liszt paid great attention to etudes, focusing on technical aspects and virtuosity, as well as artistic content. The Transcendental Etudes were reworked and elaborated by Liszt three times - the first edition was published in 1826, and represented more technical exercises for developing finger dexterity. Twelve years later Liszt revised the “exercises”, and turned them into Twelve Grand Studies (1838). However, this edition also did not satisfy him, and in 1851 the third and last edition was created. Transcendental Etude No. 10 has intonations of groans and prayers, which are intertwined with passionate, emotional, and intense movement. It was originally without a program title, but F. Busoni as editor titled this Etude Appassionata. One of my favorite etudes! Ференц Лист уделял большое внимание этюдам, виртуозности, не забывая при этом про художественное содержание. Цикл Трансцендентных этюдов трижды перерабатывался Листом: первое издание было опубликовано в 1826 году и представляло собой с
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