Beyond the Atom: INCREDIBLE Plunge into the Heart of Matter towards the Infinitely Small Documentary

🌍 Have you ever wondered what the foundations of our reality are based on? What if I told you that the world around us is governed by mysterious particles and invisible dimensions? Would you believe me? Nothing could be further from the truth... Yet the nature of the forces and elements that shape our universe is unknown to us. Admittedly, scientific advances over the last few centuries have enabled us to understand in detail the events that unfold on a macroscopic scale. But when we venture onto smaller scales, it’s as if we’re entering a parallel reality whose workings escape us. In this world of the infinitely small, the laws of physics and relativity we know no longer apply. Instead, we find strange, sometimes invisible particles interacting in ways so mysterious that we find it hard to believe how they work. Quantum physics, string theory, supersymmetry, the uncertainty principle... So much vocabulary that attempts to describe the mechanisms of this invisible
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