46 ’First-Person View’ Tricks with baskwith!
Trick List:
1- fs 180 4
2- bs 180 4
3- pop shuvit 4
4- fs noseslide
5- bs 50-50
6- half cab flip
7- bs 5-0
8- fakie fs flip
9- bs tail to fakie
10- fakie tre
11- nollie flip
12- kickflip bs 50-50
13- bs smith
14- nollie fs bigspin
15- fs 180 nosegrind (switch 5-0)
16- switch flip
17- nollie bs lip
18- bs heelflip
19- nollie bs crooks
20- switch heel
21- fs feeble
22- nollie tre
23- bs noseslide