Attack on Titan The Final Season Part 2 Opening|The Rumbling - SiM (Mel cover onetake)
🎶Opening Theme of Attack on Titan 進撃の巨人
SiM 「The Rumbling」
Words: MAH
Music & Arrangement: SiM
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★ Special Thanks to Ade H, Anwar Ali, Janne Juhola, Riccardo Pallozzi, Ammar Zafar, Klaus Mundt, Eric Baker, Ganjar Maulana, DOMINIQUE AVIT and All my Patrons who supports my music career!
☠ Gear:
Zemaitis MFGV22 Black
My guitar is in Drop D tuning and i use pitch pedal to Drop B for this cover.
Keep in touch:
Instagram: @melianisitisumartini