President Trumps closing remarks at the Bitcoin conference were absolute

President Trump’s closing remarks at the Bitcoin conference were absolute “Ultimately my promise to each and every one of you is this: I will be the pro-innovation and pro-Bitcoin president that America needs and our citizens deserve. This will be one industry, but this will be a thriving industry. A great industry, and I am going to be doing the same thing for every other industry also. Our nation has never thrived by trying to censor new ideas and shut down the dreams of our people. America always plants our flag on the next frontier and pushes boldly ahead… You are the modern day Edisons & Wright brothers & Carnegies & Henry Fords & what you do in your lifetime stands a chance to outlive us all and inspire humanity for generations to come. This will go down as a very important day in the history of your industry… My job will be to set you free and to let you do what Americans do best and what you’re gonna do better than anybody: Win! Win! Win!” Source: TheStormHasArrived17
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