I created this little montage to show the growth of the Uaru Amphiacanthoides from free swimming fry to adult. The fry in this video were born on 7/5/22. The next tank of juveniles were born 4/11/22. The third are sub-adults and were born on 1/14/22. The adults is the last part are in my 220 gallon show tank. I purchased them at retail. I estimate their ages between one and three years.
oscars #severum #flagtailprochilodus #synodontis #uaru #uaruamphiacanthoides #synodontisnotatus #synodonishybrid #synodontisdecorus, #synodontisornatipinnis, #synodontisocellifer #synodontiseupterus, #pleco #r
...oyalpleco #northvinelandtropicals #festivum #fishtank #aquarium #marineland #aqueon #fishkeeping #tropicalfish #geophagus #geophaguswinemilleri #geophagustapajos #acara #albinothreadfinacara #albinoheckelii #apistogrammaShow more