Movie 电影 | Prehistoric Superman 史前超人 | Sci-Fi Romance film 科幻爱情片 Full Movie HD

Synopsis: The Movie “Prehistoric Superman 史前超人“ is about a science fictional action and love story. Fifteen thousand years ago, Atlantean civilization sunk into the vast ocean. before that, the little prince of Atlantis were sent out in a box. Then a new round of civilization was born in the dust on the Earth. In Chinese Ming Dynasty, General Tang Wenlan got that box and fostered that kid Tang Lv. Atlantean Tang Lv kept looking for a mysterious cube in hundreds of years. In the year 2018, Tang Lv and a female reporter Zhu Anan meet, What will happen and how they fight against the dark power behind... 故事简介:电影《史前超人》讲述的是公元一万五千年前,高度文明的亚特兰蒂斯大陆被一场大海啸掀入海底,随后新的生命和文明再次在地球诞生。明朝末年,郑成功的副将唐文澜在大海中拾获装有亚特兰蒂斯王子的命运女神之匣,并将婴儿收养为义子,取名唐律。唐律生来便具有亚特兰蒂斯人的超能力,神的血脉让他的外貌始终维持在26岁的模样。为了寻找圣石的下落,唐律从欧洲回到2018年的中
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