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ישוע ישוע
ישוע ישוע
הוא מגיע מדלג על ההרים בירושלים
אני כלתך המאוהבת
מחכה לך כדי לרקוד
Yeshua Yeshua
Hu megia medaleg al haarim, b’Yerushalim
Ani kalatcha ameohevet
Mehaka lecha kedei lirkod
English Translation:
Yeshua, Yeshua
He is returning through the mountains of Jerusalem
I am your bride Israel, waiting for Your return
Yeshua, Yeshua
F#m C#m D E F#m
Yeshu - a, Yesh
...u - a
F#m C#m
He is returning through the mountains
D E F#m
of Jerusalem
F#m C#m D E
I am your bride Israel, waiting for Your
returnShow more