Shotokan Karate-do - Some Thoughts on Kizami Mawashi Geri (English subtitles)

Hey! 👋 Here’s a short clip from our last black belts training where I share some ideas on how to perform Kizami Mawashi Geri. The training was in French, but don’t worry, English subtitles are available! OSS ! 🙏 Nicolas ‼️ For more Shotokan content JOIN our brand new totally FREE online Traditional Shotokan Community now! 🎁 Free beginners and all levels classes inside! 👉 Follow us on social media! ☆ Facebook ☆ Instagram #karate #budo #nskf #onlineclass #onlinekarate #martialarts #kihon #kata #kumite #dojo #onlinedojo #lifejourney #karatedo #enjoylife #karatelife #martialartslife ...#nskffamily #shotokan #karatejourney #jka #kwf #flexibility #motivational #mindfulness #fulfillment #fitness #workout #selfdefense #kicks #kick #highkick
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