Andrey Novozhilov The Only Truth (full album, 2024)

releases June 21, 2024 It seems that all my drone ambient albums, and indeed everything I work on, always have a direct connection to the life I live and the events that occur in it. This was the case with “existence,“ and it’s happening now as well. Right now, as I’ve already come up with track titles and set a release date, I am writing these lines. And now, I’ve realized that with each album, the lyrical hero changes: to the sound of trains moving from nowhere to nowhere, to the clatter of their wheels that, like a clock, pushes time from the first to the last stop, the hero becomes different. What he was previously hostile towards has ceased to matter, as have the things and people he loved. But all of this has not ceased to exist, which means the hero himself has ceased to exist. This revelation is akin to enlightenment — there is no need to worry anymore: now, when there is nothing and no one around, there will be no pain. The lyrical hero sooner or later always ends up alone, to die again, to start living again, to find himself again. Just like me. Alright, let’s leave it at that. I don’t know how to write press releases, especially to my own albums, so I’ll just write a few words about this work. As usual, almost everything you hear here was recorded on a guitar in my home studio. Additionally, I used a few synthesizers and a lot of field recordings, mainly captured right from my apartment window (it’s amazing, but the street I see every day almost always sounds different). About half of the tracks were recorded as demos for black metal tracks, but I couldn’t turn them into something complete, so I just removed the drums and ended up with something like this. I spent exactly a year on the entire project, including mixing. All instruments / cover artwork: Andrey Novozhilov Logo / design: void_dark_logo support: Сбер: 2202202397755228 ETH: 0xb6Dda5C707EccF0BB09A0D2B830C1217055AA4c5 BTC: 1KakGZuXr7SbHryzNx8uon7cZRrtGPc4qG TON: UQB7VWfbgIRl5PgynQWRN-szGDZpff11_FJq-IGE-TGMszsU USDT TRC20: TXWTTUovbtKckWgkNUM46g5xAkbyt4YtEw listen: TG: FB: VK: IG: youtube: @andrey___novozhilov
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