Royal Path: Neither Luke-Warmness Nor a Right-Wing Reaction Against It - Fr. Seraphim Rose

Excerpt from Fr. Seraphim’s memorable article addressing the narrow path, the path that rises above false dichotomies, worldliness, and extremes: the royal path. -The Royal Path: True Orthodoxy in an Age of Apostasy by Fr. Seraphim Rose READ: LISTEN to FULL PODCAST: -What is the Royal Path? - A timely video in the same spirit, by Fr. Peter Heers WATCH: -Holy Zeal by Archbishop Averky of Jordanville READ: LISTEN: -The Sorrowful Epistles of Met. Philaret of New York READ: -Find an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: “As the Fathers say, the extremes from both sides are equally harmful... (We must) go on the royal path, avoiding the extremes on both sides.“ -St. John Cassian _
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