The Passageways of Yasujir Ozu

Yasujirō Ozu (小津 安二郎, 12 December 1903 – 12 December 1963) was a Japanese film director and screenwriter. He began his career during the era of silent films, and his last films were made in color in the early 1960s. Ozu first made a number of short comedies, before turning to more serious themes in the 1930s. The most prominent themes of Ozu’s work are marriage and family, especially the relationships between generations. His most widely acclaimed films include Late Spring (1949), Tokyo Story (1953), Floating Weeds (1959), and An Autumn Afternoon (1962). He is critically acclaimed and seen by many as one of the greatest film-makers of all time... 無 // // // // // { Video made by the great :: kogonada | }
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