Last two events were the beginning of the Capoeira history, and together with the paticipants of the workshop we based a new colony at the unknows continent (“RB - Historia da capoeira“, “RB - Terra Nova“).
This time we suggest you to join the final part of our trilogy REAL BRAZIL - Quilombos dos Palmares!
The fighting for life and freedom is waiting for us! Together with a group of escaped slaves we will find our way to joy, fun and happiness!!
6 months ago 00:02:28 1
Música do HOMEM-ARANHA em PORTUGUÊS | Spider-Man Ramones Cover
3 years ago 00:01:37 31
CM Ivan e CM Primo. RB 2014 - Quilombo dos Palmares. Real Capoeira
6 years ago 00:02:17 1
Prof. Tico + Inst. Aranha CDO- Capoeirando 2013
8 years ago 00:03:12 35
Inst Madonna e os Professores Aranha e Pitoco, Roda na sede Cdo-Mestre Irani
10 years ago 00:01:36 10
Cordao de ouro Moscow - Inst. Aranha and Inst. Malandro june 2014
10 years ago 00:09:17 34
Roda Treino CDO Natal - Mestre Irani
11 years ago 00:01:07 214
Noites Brancas 2014 Inst Aranha Instr Joker
11 years ago 00:00:44 54
Noites Brancas 2014 Inst Aranha M Pantera
11 years ago 00:01:30 38
inst. Juca - inst. Aranha - mestre Pepeto
11 years ago 00:02:28 21
Inst Aranha e Inst Pirulito. Real Brazil 2014 - Quilombo dos Palmares. Real Capoeira
11 years ago 00:02:27 24
Inst Pipoca, Inst Joker, Inst Aranha. Real Brazil 2014 - Quilombo dos Palmares. Real Capoeira
11 years ago 00:03:05 43
Instrutor Aranha, Cordão de Ouro Tenente Laurentino