Тайна Третьей Планеты /А. Зацепин/ оцифровка с винила
Shining Sioux Records – MA 033-017LP 2022
Soviet sci-fi soundtrack, space era, electronic, easy listening.
“ТАЙНА ТРЕТЬЕЙ ПЛАНЕТЫ - Оригинальная музыка к мультфильму - Александр Зацепин / ВИА Дикие Гитары.
Alexander Zatsepin / The Secret of the Third Planet
0:00 Главная Тема / Main Theme
2:40 Пролёт “Пегаса“ / Flight of the “Pegasus“
3:40 Сквозь Астероиды / Through the Asteroids
4:52 Полёт Старухи / Flight of the Old Woman
5:15 Доктор Верховцев / Doctor Verkhovtsev
6:30 Планета Блук / Planet Blook
7:20 Зелёный / Zelyoniy (Green)
7:36 Поиск Верховцева / Search for Verkhovtsev
8:39 Межпланетный Рынок Животных / Interplanetary Animal Market
12:58 Нападение Роботов / Robot Attack
13:46 Сообщение Говоруна / Govorun’s (Talker’s) Message
17:46 Полёт К Системе Медуза / Flight to the Medusa System
19:03 Планета Шелезяка / Planet Shelezyaka (Iron)
21:39 Система Медуза / Medusa System
21:15 Планета Миражей / Mirage Planet
23:49 Третья Планета / Third Planet
26:14 Птица Крок / Croc bird
27:23 Птица Крок. Вариант / Croc bird. Version
28:35 Рассказ Алисы / Alice’s Story
29:26 За Говоруном На Поляну / Behind the Talker To the Glade
30:06 Алиса С Зеркалом / Alice With the Mirror
31:19 “Пегас“ В Ловушке / “Pegasus“ Trapped
31:48 Пираты / Pirates
34:19 Помощь / Help
35:43 Два Капитана / Two Captains
37:39 Разоблачение Глота / Glot Exposed
40:32 Старые Времена / Old Times
41:31 Новая Игрушка Птицы Крок / New Croc Bird Toy
42:20 Финал / The Final
he Secret of the Third Planet is a 1981 Soviet traditionally animated feature film directed by Roman Kachanov and produced by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in Moscow. It is based on a children’s science fiction novella “Alice’s Travel“ by Kir Bulychev, from Alisa (Alice) Selezneva book series.
The movie is considered a cult classic in Russia and was included in various lists of the best animated films and science fiction films. A shortened novelization of the film was written by Bulychev himself; a diafilm and a number of video games were based on The Mystery of the Third Planet; and spiritual successor film Alice’s Birthday was released in 2009.
The film was adapted twice for the US market. It was first brought over as a video release in 1987, with dubbed voices. The second time, it was released in the 1990s as part of Mikhail Baryshnikov’s “Stories from My Childhood“ series. This series consisted of films that were bought by California-based company Films by Jove from Soyuzmultfilm for the international market. Over $1.5 million was spent by this company restoring the prints, adding new music and redubbing the films with American actors. This version of the film was named Alice and the Mystery of the Third Planet and has been released on VHS as well as on a 1999 DVD collection with several other films. The film has been released on DVD several times (the latest release, which featured rather misleading cover art, was in October 2005).
The Films by Jove version of the film has been criticized by some of those who saw the original for adding many extra dialogue lines, shortening the film, and replacing the unique synthesizer music by Alexander Zatsepin.
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