Germany invades Poland - 1939 | Movietone Moment | 1 September 2023

On this day in 1939, Germany invaded Poland by sending in 1.5 million troops and bombing Polish airfields. Here is a British Movietone report showing Hitler in Poland, including his triumphant drive through Warsaw. Hitler at the Eastern Front. Hitler with his troops - eating - talking to soldiers - signing autographs. In his private plane - interiors - scenes of bombed in Poland. Aerials of the ruins of Warsaw. Ground shots of ruins. German General shakes hands with , Litovsk, Germans and Russians link up in Poland. Various shots of review of German troops. Russian officers - Very good shot...s of Hitler’s triumphant drive thru of Warsaw. Various shots of the bombardment of Warsaw. Hitler visits his army. Watches Warsaw burn. Scenes of German troops. Surrender of warsaw signed inside train. German and Polish Officers at meeting. German troops entering Warsaw. Disclaimer: British Movietone is an historical collection. Any views and expressions within either the video or metadata of the collection are reproduced for historical accuracy and do not represent the opinions or editorial policies of the Associated Press. Find out more about AP Archive: You can license this footage for commercial use through AP Archive - the story number is BM77700A. #WWII #germany #poland Twitter: Facebook: Tumblr: ​​ Instagram:
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