50 years of HipHop!
This video is a teaser of a three-part video report that we will publish in the upcoming weeks on our Youtube channel and other social media platforms. We want to show our audience what impact our environment had (and still has) on our talent development as artists. With this video report we hope to inspire the youth in our region and to stimulate the development and growth of the international dance climate in Limburg, the place where we grew up. Stay tuned!
Thanks to @gemeenteheerlen @gemeentemaastricht @gemeentesittard-geleen @provincielimburg for making this
Camera: @raethem
Songs:- The message – Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five- Can’t nobody hold me down – Diddy ft Mase - Coi Leray – Players
#50yearshiphop #norahyarahrosa #letithappen
You can find also more video’s on our Instagram: