Tannahill Weavers - Lady Mary Anne

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Possibly our favourite song by Robert Burns, Scotland’s most famous poet, song writer, drinker and womanizer. In fact, a success in every field he entered. Lady Mary Anne looked o’er the castle wa’ She saw three bonnie boys playing at the ba’ The youngest there was the flooer amang them a’ My bonnie laddie’s young but he’s growing yet. Faither o’ faither, and ye think it fit We’ll send him a year tae college yet We’ll tie a green ribbon all around his hat And that will let them know he’s tae marry yet. Lady Mary Anne was a flooer in the dew Sweet was its smell, ate and bonnie was its hue The longer it blossomed the sweeter it grew And the lily in the pond will be bonnier yet. Young Charlie Cochrane was the sprout o’ an alk Bonnie and bloomin’ and strought was its make the sun took delight tae shine for its sake And it will be the flooer o’ the forest yet. The summer is gane when the leaves were green Gone are the days that we hae seen But far better days I trust will come again For my bonnie laddie’s young but he’s growing yet. from The Tannahill Weavers, released January 1, 1979 Robert Burns arr. Tannahill Weavers“
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