Tom Holland & AC Grayling • History: Did Christianity give us our human values?
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Belief in the dignity, value and equality of human beings has become a cornerstone of Western societies. But how did those values arise?
Tom Holland’s book Dominion tells the story of how Christianity, came to positively shape the values of human dignity and equality the Western World. He debates with atheist philosopher AC Grayling, a Humanist who is critical of the place of religion in society.
Episode 5 | Season 2 of The Big Conversation
The Big Conversation is a unique video series from Unbelievable? featuring world-class thinkers across the Christian and atheist community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human.
Listen to more sparkling conversations every week via the Unbelievable? podcast
The Big Conversation Season 2:
1. Alister McGrath & Bret Weinstein: Pt 1