Symbolic dynamics for nonuniformly hyperbolic systems 1 of 5

Convener: Yuri Lima (UFC, Brazil) Mini-Course Markov Partitions and Young Towers in Dynamics | (smr 3642) In the 1970s, Sinai, Ruelle, and Bowen, developed groundbreaking new ideas and techniques which made it possible to apply the powerful results of Ergodic Theory to concrete, and sometimes quite explicit, differentiable dynamical systems. In particular they showed that smooth Uniformly Hyperbolic systems admit Markov Partitions, from which one can obtain a Symbolic Coding with a finite number of symbols. This Symbolic Coding makes it possible to apply methods from statistical mechanics to describe the statistical properties of the system through the construction of a particular class of invariant measures which are now called Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen (SRB) measures. Over the last 20 years there has been a huge progress in extending the results of Sinai, Ruelle, and Bowen, to the much larger class of more general (Nonuniformly) Hyperbolic systems, including systems with discontinuities/singul
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