Bravata - MALAMENTE Rosalía

Here we leave our tribute to the great Rosalia. This song simply inspired us to be more bravatas than ever. We hope you like it. *** We do not own any rights to this song. This is only for entertainment purposes. Without intent to infringe copyright *** Malamente official video of Rosalía Dance: Lis Buzzi Maria Fernanda Carrión Ana Lucia Lugón Mariana Olaechea Alejandra Restrepo Estefanía Vásquez Concept and Direction: Mariana Olaechea Art direction: Maria Fernanda Carrión Theme song: Malamente Rosalía General Choreography: Mariana Olaechea Training and Choreographic Counseling: Pierina Noriega Camera: Fernando Cobián Camera Assistants: Jesus Paredes Yalfrelys Farreras Production and Edition: Silvia Cuevas Production Assistants: Allyson Espinoza Camila Mayor Xaviera Castillo Musica
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