Sleeping With Sirens - Don’t Let The Party Die

SLEEPING WITH SIRENS // COMPLETE COLLAPSE (DELUXE) // OUT NOW Buy / Stream: TikTok: @sleepingwithsirens --- DON’T LET THE PARTY DIE // LYRICS You asked so I said it There’s no hope in the world Where we’re headed Pissed off Offended There’s nothing you can do So just fucking forget it Boom smash step on the glass Better keep it moving Or get left in the past No chance No hope for a change If we can kill religion Then who else can we blame So save your breath nobody’s listening Take away the choice what have you got? It’s better to be loved for what you’re not I better shut my mouth I’ve said too much Just obey pay the price sell the dream Don’t let the party die (We won’t let the party die) Oh no at it again Borrow from the enemy Steal from a friend Lose/win Nothing is free Is it better for the business Or
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